- 2. 1950s music ex.elvis
- 3. russia stores missiles in cuba,US stores missiles in turkey.
- 4. men came back from war and got married to their sweet hearts and lots of babies were born.
- 5. general over the western front during WW2
- 9. dont let communism spread
- 12. race to see who will get to space first and land on moon first.
- 13. servicemens readjustments act,paid for college and homes.
- 14. north and south korea go to war.
- 15. house unamerican activities committee,set up to get neighbors to turn in neighbors for being suspected communists.
- 1. HWY system
- 6. beginning in the 1920s after WW1 and continuing after WW2 again,the fear of communists.
- 7. countries that form a treaty/alliance after WW2 to protect each other
- 8. military spening increases to build up the military
- 10. finding people and interrogating and imprisoning people who are suspected of being communists.
- 11. the concept that if one country turns communist the surrounding countries will