Early Explorer & Puritan Study Guide

  1. 3. the person who Bradford believed God sent to protect the pilgrims
  2. 8. the figure of speech in which the speaker addresses someone or something that is not physically present
  3. 10. the type of disasters (like floods, fires, & storms that Jonathan Edwards refers to)
  4. 11. Edward Taylor’s poem uses vivid, elaborate images to show how he wants his ___ in God to shine
  5. 14. the amount of time Anne Bradstreet says her love for her husband will last
  6. 15. Jonathan Edwards wants his audience to feel frightened or ___ during his sermon
  1. 1. the name of the poem in which Edward Taylor addresses “the Lord”
  2. 2. the American holiday described by William Bradford
  3. 4. the native american who befriended the pilgrims intended to ___ them about the land and the people in America
  4. 5. another word for danger
  5. 6. jonathan edwards thinks this is the most powerful force
  6. 7. another word for calmed, soothed
  7. 9. where does Anne Bradstreet say she will “live ever” with her husband
  8. 12. the type of objects Puritans referred to in their Plain Style poems
  9. 13. Because the trip was so dangerous, William Bradford tell us some men on the ship considered ____ to England