Early Medieval

  1. 2. referring to middle ages.
  2. 4. a medieval engine of war.
  3. 6. where a community of monks live in sedusion under religious vows.
  4. 8. a member of a religious community.
  5. 10. the right of a succession belonfinf to a first born child.
  6. 12. an estate of land especaially one held condition of feudal service.
  7. 14. merchants or artisans organized to protect the interests of its members.
  8. 15. the medieval knightly system with its religious,moral,and social code.
  9. 17. a peasant that is of service to a lord.
  10. 18. a holder of land in return for renderinf homage fealty and usually millitary service or its equivalent to a lord.
  1. 1. a young man of noble birth.
  2. 3. a person that has power over others.
  3. 5. rules written by saint benedict for monks living communally under the authority of an abbot
  4. 7. an estate or unit consisting of a lords land.
  5. 9. a person who teaches in churches.
  6. 11. europe and asia are considered a continent.
  7. 13. essentail systems of middle ages.
  8. 16. a person who held lands or property.