Early Middle Ages

  1. 4. The manorial system was an economic system revolving around these types of farms.
  2. 5. Religious communities where monks and nuns live lives devoted to God.
  3. 8. The name of the book that became a record of power and wealth in feudal England.
  4. 9. A European armed warrior who served a lord. Usually rode on horseback.
  5. 11. Raiding by this group was one of the main factors that led to feudalism and manorialism.
  6. 12. Word used to describe something dealing with the Pope.
  7. 14. This is the code of conduct for knights.
  8. 16. A vassal receives this in exchange for their loyalty
  9. 18. The title given to the leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
  10. 19. The first king germanic king to convert to Christianity was from this tribe.
  11. 20. The first Holy Roman Emperor.
  1. 1. The Bayeux Tapestry depicts scenes of this famous battle where William defeated Henry.
  2. 2. The name given to the land given by a lord to a vassal.
  3. 3. System of government where powerful landowners give land in exchange for loyalty and support.
  4. 6. Referring to or describing the Middle Ages.
  5. 7. People sent to foreign countries to spread their religion.
  6. 10. The English Channel serves as a barrier between England and what other European country?
  7. 13. Saint Patrick is best known for spreading Christianity to this place.
  8. 15. This was the nickname of the person who took feudalism from France to England.
  9. 17. A serf was a peasant who was bound to the land and lord through _____.
  10. 21. Title given to a person who granted an estate to a vassal.