early river civilizations

  1. 4. the spreading and merging of cultures
  2. 9. a line of hereditary rulers in a country
  3. 10. a city that forms a state with its territory
  4. 12. rain season
  5. 13. ancient egyptian language
  6. 14. writing material from the papyrus plant
  1. 1. 6th king of the babylonian dynasty
  2. 2. triangular structure
  3. 3. a system where priests rule in the name of a god
  4. 5. boomerangshaped region in the middle east
  5. 6. ruler must be ideal to god/gods, natural disasters occurred if a dynasty was losing this
  6. 7. somewhere in pakistan
  7. 8. a ruler in ancient egypt
  8. 11. belief or worship of multiple gods