Early Stages of the Cold War

  1. 3. Pushed to help contain communism
  2. 8. Truman desegregated the US army
  3. 10. Overturned Plessy Vs. Ferguson
  4. 13. US backed this half of the Peninsula
  5. 15. Winner of the 1952 and 1956 presidential election
  1. 1. Zedong Leader of China's communist uprising
  2. 2. Helped rebuild post war Europe
  3. 4. The Russian satellite that started the space race
  4. 5. First country in civil war after WW2
  5. 6. Caused massive spy investigation for Communist's
  6. 7. Built to focus on technological advancements
  7. 9. Soviets controlled this half of the peninsula
  8. 11. First 9 black students to go to a white school in Arkansas
  9. 12. US and European fight to contain communism
  10. 14. Helped WW2 veterans get back into normal life