Earning Money

  1. 1. A percentage of the profit of something that is usually given to salespeople as an incentive.
  2. 4. A reduction of the amount of tax you have to pay when you have donated to charity or spent money for your job.
  3. 6. The amount of money that you have earned before tax and other deductions.
  4. 7. Being employed for the whole working week.
  5. 8. An amount of money paid to an employee each year.
  6. 10. A type of payment based on how much of a product that you make.
  7. 11. Hours that you work past your regular shift.
  8. 13. A percentage of your income that you must pay to the government.
  1. 2. The amount of money that you have earned after tax and other deductions.
  2. 3. An additional 17.5% of your wage that you receive when on annual leave.
  3. 5. The amount of the money that you have earned that you can pay tax on.
  4. 9. Per year (annually).
  5. 12. An amount of money paid to an employee every week.