Earning Money

  1. 2. the total amount that someone receives each payday.
  2. 3. Time worked beyond normal working hours such as at night or on weekends, at a higher rate of pay.
  3. 5. extra money paid to a worker who produces high quality or quantity of work.
  4. 6. A part of a person's yearly income that is not taxed, such as work related expenses and donations to charity.
  5. 7. A fixed yearly amount of money that is paid weekly, fortnightly of monthly, and is not dependent on the number of hours worked.
  6. 8. for each year
  7. 10. Pay received after deductions from gross pay; 'take-home' pay.
  8. 11. Overtime pay that is calculated at double the normal hourly rate.
  9. 15. Overtime pay that is calculated at 1.5 times the normal hourly rate.
  10. 16. Total revenue minus allowable deductions.
  11. 17. An amount of money paid to people for work that is calculated on the number of hours worked.
  12. 18. the period where your income is assessed for tax purposes.
  1. 1. A percentage of the sales you pay to the employee or person who made them.
  2. 4. tax that is deducted from your gross pay each payday by your employer.
  3. 8. work paid for according to the amount produced.
  4. 9. Extra payment to a worker based on 17.5% of 4 weeks annual leave.
  5. 12. A fund that goes towards future pension.
  6. 13. a fee paid in advance to someone, especially a barrister, in order to secure their services for use when required.
  7. 14. A tax paid to the government based on the size of a persons income.