Earning money

  1. 5. A fixed regualr payment, typically payed weekly or daily.
  2. 6. Earning money for completeing a task.
  3. 9. Someone who works for a company.
  4. 10. The money you owe to the bank.
  5. 11. A fixed regular payment, typically payed monthly.
  6. 12. Working less than 38 hours a week.
  7. 14. The salary paid over 12 months.
  8. 15. What you get paid for working.
  9. 16. A task or piece of wotk, one that is paid.
  1. 1. Any form of alternative compensation an employer offers employees during holidays.
  2. 2. A big buisness with a well known name.
  3. 3. Working 38 hours or more a week.
  4. 4. A profession that takes up a period of a persons life
  5. 7. Rising prices.
  6. 8. The pay you get no matter what.
  7. 13. Pay as you go