earning money

  1. 1. for each or one for one
  2. 3. the hours before noon
  3. 6. wages money earned by an employee in one year
  4. 8. and a half payment of 1.5 times the regular hourly rate
  5. 9. working time beyond a regular 40-hour work week
  6. 10. rate: the amount of money paid for each hour of work
  1. 1. the hours after noon
  2. 2. to judge the value of something without being exact
  3. 4. (min) a measure of time equal to 60 seconds
  4. 5. : the number of hours worked multiplied by the hourly rate
  5. 7. time payment of two times the regular hourly rate
  6. 10. (hr) a measure of time equal to 60 minutes