Ears, Nose, Mouth, & Throat

  1. 2. Layer of material that lies immediately under the tooth
  2. 7. Tool used to inspect the inside of the nares or ears
  3. 9. Medical terminology for "malodorous breath"
  4. 10. Medical terminology for a "runny nose"
  5. 11. Fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate which hangs above the throat
  6. 13. Sensorineural hearing loss related to normal age-appropriate changes
  7. 14. Anatomy of the ear that is an air-filled cavity
  1. 1. Structures that lie along the lateral wall of the lower nasal cavity near the facial cheek
  2. 3. Bony structures inside the nose that regulate airflow
  3. 4. Lateralization test used to detect unilateral conductive vs. sensorineural hearing loss
  4. 5. Midline mucosal fold that connects each lip with the gingiva
  5. 6. Has a pearly gray appearance on a normal assessment
  6. 8. Pale sac-like growths of inflamed tissue obstructing the sinuses
  7. 12. Medical terminology for "gums"
  8. 15. This part of the ear is shorter and curved upward in infants