
  1. 3. The border between two tectonic plates.
  2. 6. Outermost layer of earth.
  3. 9. a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras.
  4. 11. Is the only liquid layer of the earth consists of mostly iron and nickel.
  5. 13. The formation of new areas of oceanic crust.
  6. 14. is a dropped zone where the plates are pulling apart.
  7. 15. States that continents shift position on Earth's surface.
  1. 1. An extremely hot, solid sphere of mostly iron and nickel at the center of the earth.
  2. 2. where two plates slide past each other.
  3. 4. The rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
  4. 5. States that the earth's outer layer, or lithosphere, is broken into several large slabs called plates, and the plates slowly move around the planet.
  5. 7. Where two plates are pushing toward each other.
  6. 8. Is an underwater mountain range.
  7. 10. Two plates that are moving apart from each other.
  8. 12. Semisolid rock is located directly below the crust.