Earth and it's Features

  1. 2. nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting radiation
  2. 3. structures of the Earth's crust and results of the rigid plates that move over the mantels
  3. 5. process by which rock is broken down such as erosion or weathering
  4. 10. a tectonic boundary where two plates move toward each other
  5. 11. study of earthquakes
  6. 15. time taken for the isotope to decrease into half its original value
  7. 16. study of the magnetism in rocks
  8. 17. different forms of the same element that have a different number of neutrons
  9. 18. tectonic plates meet and the edge of one plate descends below the edge of the other
  10. 19. true age of a rock or fossil
  11. 20. representation of a map of natural and artificial features of an area
  12. 21. dating rocks using relative proportions of particular radioactive isotopes
  1. 1. where two plates slide against each other in a sideways motion
  2. 4. movement in a fluid where hotter and less dense matter rises and cooler and less matter sinks
  3. 6. forms the nuclear mass of a continent or the central basin of an ocean
  4. 7. determining the relative order of events or objects (past)
  5. 8. meteor that survives its passage through Earth's atmosphere and hits the ground
  6. 9. a tectonic plate boundary where two plates are moving away from each other
  7. 12. massive irregularly shaped slab of solid rock; tectonic plate
  8. 13. processes that help build Earth up
  9. 14. waves of energy that travel through the earth's layers