Earth and the solar system

  1. 5. Number of continents
  2. 7. Covers 71% of the earth
  3. 8. Who created the world
  4. 9. Largest continent
  5. 10. Largest planet
  6. 14. Independence day
  7. 16. Number of planets
  8. 17. July 1st 1867
  9. 18. Coldest planet
  1. 1. torus-shaped region
  2. 2. Smallest continent
  3. 3. Before continents broke apart
  4. 4. Coldest continent
  5. 6. planet farther from the sun
  6. 11. A dwarf planet
  7. 12. Hottest planet
  8. 13. Planet closest to the sun
  9. 15. Planets orbit around it