Earth Day Movement Crossword

  1. 3. - Laws and regulations for environmental protection, a focus of Earth Day lobbying.
  2. 4. - Annual event celebrated on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection.
  3. 8. - A key component of Earth Day, involving efforts to bring about environmental change.
  4. 9. - Ms. Greulich's home planet.
  5. 15. - Type of energy sources promoted by Earth Day advocates.
  6. 16. - An eco-friendly practice heavily promoted during Earth Day.
  7. 17. - A key concept promoted by Earth Day, aiming for a balance between environment and human needs.
  8. 18. - One of the major environmental issues addressed by Earth Day initiatives.
  9. 19. - The primary focus of Earth Day, concerning the natural world and its preservation.
  10. 20. - A color often associated with environmentalism and Earth Day.
  1. 1. - The variety of life on Earth, whose preservation is a goal of Earth Day.
  2. 2. - U.S. Senator who founded Earth Day in 1970.
  3. 5. - A primary goal of Earth Day is to raise this about environmental issues.
  4. 6. - A significant global issue that Earth Day campaigns often focus on.
  5. 7. - The act of preserving and protecting natural resources, a key message of Earth Day.
  6. 10. - A form of activism often associated with Earth Day to demand environmental action.
  7. 11. - Scale at which Earth Day's impact is felt, beyond national boundaries.
  8. 12. - Essential for spreading knowledge about environmental protection, often emphasized on Earth Day.
  9. 13. - A common pollutant targeted by Earth Day initiatives.
  10. 14. - The month in which Earth Day is observed.