Earth layers and Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. when two tectonic plates meet one plates bends and slides underneath the other
  2. 7. a valley with very steep sides formed by the moving of the earth’s surface
  3. 8. image 3 on page 3
  4. 10. a process in were new ocean floor is created as molten material from the earth's mantle rises in places between plates or ridges and spreads out
  5. 11. when two tectonic plates collide
  6. 12. a chain of volcanic islands by a deep oceanic crust
  7. 13. when all of the continents were once joined as a super continents or a single landmass
  8. 14. a deep narrow hole in the ground
  9. 15. image 1 on page 1
  10. 16. when two oceanic plates converge/collide one is usually sub-ducted under the other forming an underwater trench
  11. 17. image 4 on page 4
  12. 19. where the continental plate and the oceanic plate meet
  13. 20. movement of the continents across the earth's surface
  14. 21. theory that Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that glide over the mantle
  15. 22. image 2 on page 2
  1. 1. a small area with hot temperature in comparison to its surroundings
  2. 2. an underwater mountain range
  3. 3. the lithosphere is divided into a small number of plates which float over the mantle
  4. 5. when two continents meet head-on and collide the cruse tends to fold and be pushed upward
  5. 6. the earths crust is divided into a large set of moving plates or when the plates meet
  6. 9. image 5 on page 5
  7. 18. when two tectonic plates slide or scrape past each other