Electromagnetic Radiation

  1. 2. compression of a (radiation) wave indicates it is __shifted.
  2. 4. has a wave we can percieve (sense), but isn't electromagnetic radiation (or light)
  3. 8. inverse of wavelength
  4. 9. a star is ____ if one side is redshifted and the other blueshifted
  5. 12. excites water molecules; also a kitchen appliance
  6. 14. a cold color in astronomy
  7. 15. star moving away is _____ed
  8. 17. longer wavelength than microwaves
  9. 18. light humans see
  10. 19. highest-energy color
  11. 20. distance between two crests of a wave
  1. 1. object moving toward
  2. 3. radiation you are producing; heat
  3. 5. a field of study in which you find the 'finger print' of an element
  4. 6. All possible, unbroken light shown as one ___ spectrum
  5. 7. the most dangerous/energetic radiation
  6. 10. you get this radiation if you break a bone
  7. 11. sunscreen protects against ____ radiation
  8. 13. because we have samples on Earth, we compare them to objects in space determining their ___
  9. 16. phenomenon when frequency changes with motion