earth science

  1. 5. plates witch float on and travel independently over the earths mantle.
  2. 6. rock that has undergone transformation by heat and pressure.
  3. 9. rock formed from solidification of lava or magma
  4. 10. rock that has formed from sediment deposited by water or air.
  5. 12. the weakening of rock by plants, animals and microbes.
  1. 1. movement in gas or liquid in which the warmer parts move up and the cooler parts move down.
  2. 2. process of rocks breaking apart without changing their chemical composition.
  3. 3. a large volcanic crater, especially one formed by major eruption leading to the collapse of the mouth of the volcano.
  4. 4. the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features' of an area.
  5. 7. hot fluid or semi-fluid material below or within the earths crust from which lava and other igneous rock is formed on cooling.
  6. 8. rain water reacting with the mineral grains in rocks to form new minerals and soluble.
  7. 11. the action or process in plate tectonics of the edge of one crustal plate descending below the edge of another.