Earth Science Lessons Review 5-8

  1. 4. the movement of hot rock in earth’s mantle which drives plate tectonics.
  2. 5. underwater mountain range formed as molten material rises from the mantle and drives seafloor spreading.
  3. 6. the name of the supercontinent that once existed
  4. 7. the theory that the lithosphere is broken into plates which are moving due to convection currents in the mantle.
  5. 8. Alfred Wegener’s theory that the continents have moved from their current positions over time.
  1. 1. the action of new crust being created due to convection currents pulling the lithosphere apart at a divergent boundary
  2. 2. the downward movement of the edge of one tectonic plate beneath another plate
  3. 3. the type of evidence proving seafloor spreading due to reversed polarity found in rock samples from the ocean floor