Earth Science- Skylar Van Blarcom

  1. 2. Push Tectonic process associated with convection currents in Earth's mantle that occurs when the weight of an elevated ridge pushes and oceanic plate toward a subduction zone.
  2. 6. Pull Associated with convection currents in Earths mantle that occurs as the weight of the subduction plates pulls the trailing lithosphere into a subduction zone
  3. 8. A _________ map uses contour lines, sybols, and color to show changes in elevation.
  4. 9. Process by which one tectonic plate slips beneath another plate tectonic.
  1. 1. Spreading Hess's theory that new ocean crust is formed at mid-ocean ridges and destroyed at deep sea trenches
  2. 3. Plate _________ cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides
  3. 4. Wegener's hypothesis
  4. 5. Valley A long narrow depression that forms when continental crust begins to separate at a divergent boundary
  5. 7. Tectonics plates interact at places called plate _______.