Earth Space Science

  1. 4. Giant landmass that existed about 250 million years ago
  2. 5. Hot ash mixed with the snow and ice on the mountain to form a fast-moving mudflow
  3. 6. Blocks of land tilt and move downhill along a surface that curves into the slope
  4. 7. Ridge a long chain of volcanic mountains on the ocean floor with a deep central valley
  5. 9. all living things on the planet compose the _______
  6. 11. Soils Soils from transported materials
  7. 13. Neck Outer layers of the volcano have been eroded away, leaving behind a more resistant plug of igneous rock
  8. 15. Trench An important feature on a subduction boundary and is a long, deep trench that forms along the boundary
  9. 19. Energy A much smaller part of the energy budget (0.013 %) originates as heat from within Earth
  10. 20. Gravity The ratio of its mass to the mass of an equal volume of water
  11. 24. Magma beneath a volcano is released after the top of the volcano collapses, forming a large crater-shaped basin
  12. 25. Crust and uppermost portion of the mantle together
  13. 27. Time Zones 24 worldwide __________ were developed, each 15* of longitude wide
  14. 29. Core Surrounding inner core and is composed of liquid iron and nickel
  15. 31. Boundary Boundary between two plates that are moving toward each other, or converging
  16. 32. Thinner, and more fluid, containing large amounts of iron and magnesium and much lower amounts of silica, Mother
  17. 37. Rocks that are formed from cooling and the hardening of hot, molten rock
  18. 39. Weathering Disintegration, takes place when rock is split or broken into smaller pieces
  19. 40. The movement of Earth in its orbit around the sun
  20. 41. _______ of a mineral is the way the mineral shines in light
  21. 42. Valleys Deep valleys at the center of a mid-ocean ridge
  22. 44. System energy, such as sunlight, may enter, but matter doesn't leave
  23. 46. The arrangement of physical layers
  24. 47. _______ of a mineral is the color of its powder
  25. 48. Spot refer to areas of volcanic activity that result from plumes of hot solid material that have risen from deep within Earth's mantle
  26. 49. the study of minerals and their properties
  27. 50. Rough jagged edges
  28. 51. Soil of A-horizon and is generally gray to black in color
  29. 53. Energy Energy that comes from the sun
  30. 54. Energy The third and smallest part of the energy budget (0.002 %)
  31. 55. More rigid material of the lithosphere floats upon a thin, slushlike layer of the mantle
  32. 58. Minerals that are compounds including silicon and oxygen
  33. 60. Date Line represents the longitude at which the date changes
  34. 62. A positively charged atom
  35. 65. Rocks are formed by the compaction and cementing of layers
  36. 68. System Science The new view of Earth
  37. 69. Material Material from which the soil is formed
  38. 72. Occurs naturally, it is solid, it has definite chemical composition, its atoms are arranged in an orderly pattern, and it is inorganic (was never alive)
  39. 73. Process by which a rock's structure is changed by pressure, heat, and moisture
  40. 74. a mineral made of negatively charged _______ ions bonded to positive metal ions
  41. 76. are materials such as rock fragments, plant animal remains, and minerals
  42. 79. the remains, impression, or any other evidence of a plant of animal preserved in rock
  43. 81. Volcanoes Develop when layers of materials from successive explosive eruptions accumulate around a vent
  44. 82. When minerals fill the spaces between sand grains, pebbles, or other rock particles, they bind the fragments together
  45. 84. Atoms of an element that have different masses
  46. 86. Drift Continents that have moved, or drifted, from one place to another
  47. 89. a sequence of events that repeat
  48. 90. B-horizon and is generally red or brown in color
  49. 92. Upward expansion of rocks that are formed deep underground may result in a mechanical weathering process
  50. 93. Number number of protons in the nucleus is the atom's ________ and is equal to the number of electrons in the atom's electron cloud
  51. 95. a representation of an object, a process, or a phenomenon
  52. 96. a large block of lithospheric plate that has been moved, often over a distance of thousands of kilometers
  53. 97. Two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds
  54. 99. Apparent shift in position of the stars
  55. 101. a mineral consisting of a metal element combined with sulfide
  56. 102. Push A force on spreading lithospheric plates that could help drive movements
  57. 103. rock mass that forms when magma cools inside Earth's interior
  58. 108. Spinning of the Earth around its axis
  59. 109. when minerals break into directions other than along cleavage surfaces
  60. 110. Cones Simplest type of volcano, forms when molten lava is thrown into the air from a vent
  61. 111. is a term commonly used for the movement of a mass of bedrock or loose soil and rock down the slope of a hill, mountain, or cliff
  62. 113. Refer to rock fragments that have been weathered from a cliff and pulled down by gravity
  63. 114. Lava Lava that forms under water and looks like a pillow but doesn't feel like one
  64. 115. Equinox Occurs on or around March 21
  1. 1. Soil Bedrock beneath the soil
  2. 2. Tectonics a theory that describes the formation, movements, and interactions of these plates
  3. 3. Wedging Or ice wedging, and is common in places where the temperature varies from below the freezing point of water
  4. 6. Solstice Occurs on June 21 each year and is the point at which this daily increase stops
  5. 7. rocks are formed by the effect of heat and pressure on other rocks
  6. 8. System The system and its surroundings freely exchange both energy and matter
  7. 10. Cycle Movement of energy into and out of the Earth system
  8. 12. Largest of all plutons, form the cores of many of Earth's mountain ranges
  9. 13. Principal ingredient in all magmas, determines a magma's __________
  10. 14. Rain Rainwater that contains unusually high amounts of acids that can be traced to these pollutants
  11. 16. Meridian Starting point of standard time zones is an arbitrary longitude line
  12. 17. A mass of weathered material that has been saturated with water flows downhill
  13. 18. Cycle the continuous circulation of water through the hydrosphere
  14. 21. Field The movement of the fluid in the outer core
  15. 22. Lava with smooth, ropelike surfaces
  16. 23. Hot molten rock, lava
  17. 24. Cycle A biogeochemical cycle involving the element carbon
  18. 26. Minerals Other minerals that make up most of the rocks in Earth's crust
  19. 28. Moving sand, pebbles, and larger rocks grind and scrape against one another, these rock materials are soon worn away
  20. 30. Boundary When an oceanic plate plunges beneath another plate, the oceanic plate is said to be SUBDUCTING beneath the overriding plate
  21. 33. a mineral consisting of a metal element combined with oxygen
  22. 34. Cycling of water vapor into the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration
  23. 35. Movement Refers to the downward transportation of weathered materials by gravity
  24. 36. Refers both to the opening in the Earth's crust through which molten rock, gases, and ash erupt
  25. 38. a kind of model
  26. 43. Chemical weathering by reaction of water with other substances
  27. 44. Boundary When two continents collide and are welded into a single, larger continent
  28. 45. Brown or red in color of some exposed rocks may be the result of this process
  29. 47. Depletion Occurs when the soil gradually becomes so lacking or depleted in nutrients that it can no longer grow a usable crop
  30. 48. contains all water in the Earth system
  31. 52. Plateau Lava pouring from fissure spreads across the land
  32. 56. Equinox on or near September 22
  33. 57. Boundary Boundary between two lithospheric plates that are moving apart
  34. 59. Tendency to split along definite planes
  35. 61. Meridian Each standard time zone is roughly centered on a lone of longitude exactly divisible by 15*
  36. 63. Flow A dense, superheated cloud that travels downhill with amazing speed
  37. 64. is a substance that contains atoms of two or more elements that are chemically combined
  38. 65. The soil contains so much mineral matter from the evaporated irrigation water that the soil can no longer sustain crop growth
  39. 66. Convection Heat from Earth's inner and outer cores through the mantle by a process called ________________
  40. 67. A gaseous envelope around the earth
  41. 70. Core Earth's center and is composed of solid iron and nickel
  42. 71. Weathering Decomposition, takes place when the rock's minerals are changed into different substances
  43. 72. Rapid movement of water that contains large amounts of suspended clay and silt
  44. 75. Thick magma that is slow-moving, high amount of silica, Father
  45. 77. The breakup of rocks due to exposure to processes that occur at Earth's surface
  46. 78. Slow, imperceptible movement of soil down a slope
  47. 80. Volcanoes broad based and gently sloping sides
  48. 81. Regular geometric solid with smooth surfaces called crystal faces
  49. 83. Gains electrons easily to form a negative ion is classified as a __________
  50. 85. the rocks, the mountains, the beaches, and all the other physical features of the planet except water
  51. 87. A substance that cannot be broken into simpler substances by ordinary chemical means
  52. 88. Boundary Boundary between two plates that are sliding past each other
  53. 91. of hydrosphere consists of fresh water
  54. 94. The core of each continent is an expanse of ancient rock
  55. 97. Is am element that loses electrons easily to form positive ions
  56. 98. Is the removal and transport of materials by natural agents such as wind and running water
  57. 100. molten forces its way up through cracks, or _______
  58. 102. Cycle the repeated series of events by which rock gradually and continually changes from one type to another
  59. 104. Tetrahedron Basic building block of a silicate
  60. 105. Solstice Occurs on December 21 and is the shortest day of the year
  61. 106. Masses move, heat from the friction, stress, and pressure cause the rock to change shape
  62. 107. Surrounding the mantle is a thin, rigid layer of lighter rocks that includes Earth's surface
  63. 112. Pull Force that the sinking edge of the plate exerts on the rest of the plate