Earth Sun and Moon

  1. 3. This occurs when lots of suns rays hit this hemisphere
  2. 6. It takes the earth this many months to go from one side of the sun to the other
  3. 8. This large mass helps to make tides
  4. 9. It takes this many months for the earth to change seasons
  5. 10. In summer the days are ____ than in winter
  6. 13. The earth is this shape
  7. 14. The Earth's spinning on its axis that causes day and nigh
  8. 15. If the earth wasn't titled we would not have seasons True/False
  9. 17. This force helps create tides
  10. 19. This tide occurs when the earth passes the moon
  1. 1. The phase of the Moon between a first quarter moon and a full moon, during which more than half of the illuminated surface visible from Earth is visible
  2. 2. The phase of the Moon when it appears completely dark from Earth's perspective
  3. 4. When minimal suns rays hit this hemisphere this season occurs
  4. 5. The time it takes for the Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun
  5. 6. The earths tilt makes days in winter ____ than in summer
  6. 7. The phase of the Moon when it appears fully illuminated from Earth's perspective
  7. 11. The imaginary line that splits the earth into the northern and southern hemisphere
  8. 12. If earth wasn't titled we would not have day and night cycles True/False
  9. 16. The time it takes for the earth to complete a full rotation on its axis
  10. 18. The imaginary line that runs through the center of the Earth from the North Pole to the South Pole