Earth-Sun-Moon Relationship

  1. 3. moon blocks sun from Earth
  2. 5. changing appearances of the moon
  3. 7. universal pulling force
  4. 9. maximum amount of moon we see
  5. 10. moon's appearance shrinks
  6. 13. he said gravity bends space/time
  7. 15. ability to cause change
  8. 18. friction in the air
  9. 19. opposes motion between surfaces
  10. 22. energy in motion
  11. 23. unlike mass, relates to gravity
  12. 24. how fast something gains/loses speed
  1. 1. tendency to maintain state of motion
  2. 2. shadow line to see solar eclipse
  3. 4. can't lose energy only transfer it
  4. 5. stored energy
  5. 6. Newton's First Law
  6. 8. laws of motion/law of gravity
  7. 11. "almost full"
  8. 12. Earth blocks sun from moon
  9. 14. only phase entirely out during the day
  10. 16. waxing crescent,___waxing gibbous
  11. 17. moon's appearance grows
  12. 20. another term for revolution
  13. 21. 2 factors determine gravity