Earthquakes & Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. measures earthquakes
  2. 4. this is a type of wave that occurs on the surface
  3. 8. a facture or break in the earths lithosphere
  4. 10. a long high sea waves caused by an earthquake
  5. 11. Scale measure energy released / rock strength / how much movement their was
  6. 13. the time between where stations pick up the earthquake/ speed seismic waves travel
  7. 14. a release in this in a fault or built rock causes earthquake
  8. 15. a way to protect buildings in areas known for earthquakes and tsunamis
  9. 16. fastest, solid, liquid, gas, known as the "p" wave
  10. 19. when a Collison between an oceanic and continental plates and the continental plates go under.
  11. 21. the point on the earth's surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake
  1. 1. a deep depression of the sea floor caused by subduction of one plate under another
  2. 2. the act or process of liquefying or making liquid
  3. 5. this theory gave evidence to support the theory of the continental drift
  4. 6. 2nd fastest, solid
  5. 7. older scale to track speed of ground movement
  6. 9. process using 3 stations to find the focal point
  7. 12. it the measurement of the strength of the earthquake
  8. 17. a small earthquake occurring after a larger earthquake, causes more damage sometimes
  9. 18. a valley shaped area of the earth in which the plates of the crust are moving away from each other forming cracks and faults
  10. 20. when an oceanic crust melts due to this formation.