Earth's Changing Climate Engineering Internship

  1. 6. to bounce off without absorbing
  2. 11. a thing to be delivered, usually in a development or design process
  3. 13. a formal design that is supported by evidence, and submitted for discussion and review
  4. 18. changes in climate over a long period of time that can be caused by natural events or human activities
  5. 19. a person who uses math and science to design things
  6. 20. a set of related documents about a particular topic
  7. 21. to take in
  8. 22. the effect of natural or human-caused events on Earth’s weather and temperature patterns
  9. 24. an object, diagram, or computer program that helps us understand something by making it simpler or easier to see
  10. 25. a result
  11. 26. when you have to give up one thing in return for another
  12. 27. a molecule made of carbon and oxygen atoms
  1. 1. standards by which something may be judged
  2. 2. a change
  3. 3. a measure of the historical importance of a building or object, which makes it worth preserving
  4. 4. the ability to make things move or change
  5. 5. related to the sun
  6. 7. a measure of how hot or cold something is
  7. 8. something that can be changed and may be measured
  8. 9. the process of burning fuels, which produces carbon dioxide
  9. 10. a limit or restriction
  10. 12. information about the natural world that is used to support or go against (refute) a claim
  11. 14. a claim supported by evidence
  12. 15. to repeat a process in a way that considers the results of a previous design
  13. 16. a measure of how much sunlight is reflected away from a surface
  14. 17. to examine in detail for a purpose
  15. 23. to change from one type to another
  16. 28. to improve (a design) as much as possible, considering all the criteria and the tradeoffs among the criteria