Earth's Changing Surfaces

  1. 4. mound formed when windblown sediments pile up behind and obstacle
  2. 5. The rock was ____ so water could easily move through it.
  3. 7. substance with a pH lower than 7
  4. 8. the loose top layer of the Earth's surface made of weathered rock and organic matter
  5. 9. underground opening that can form when acidic groundwater dissolves limestone
  6. 11. During ____ sediments get carried to the bottom of the ocean.
  7. 12. layer of permeable rock that allows water to flow through
  8. 13. all frozen water on the Earth
  9. 14. living things and things that support life
  10. 15. There are many types of rocks and minerals that make up the ____ of the Earth.
  11. 16. substance with a pH higher than 7
  12. 17. Because of ____, the beach has decreased in size.
  1. 1. _____ is an important source of drinking water.
  2. 2. ______ is important for plants because water soaks into the soil.
  3. 3. Water may take different amounts of time to _____ through the ground.
  4. 4. landform that forms from the deposition of sediment at the mouth of a river
  5. 6. The ______ is all of the water on the Earth, including frozen forms.
  6. 10. the gases that surround the Earth
  7. 15. A satellite was launched into orbit to monitor melting ___ in the Artic.
  8. 18. There are many different types of ____. Some are edible and some are not