Earth's Interior & Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. trench found at approximately 20 degrees north and 150 degrees east
  2. 7. this type of crust is less dense but thicker
  3. 8. the process where one plate sinks under another
  4. 9. type of boundary where two plates collide
  5. 10. made up of the crust and rigid mantle together
  6. 13. solid layer of earth made up of iron and nickel
  7. 14. layer in the earth where convection occurs
  8. 17. tectonic plate made up of only oceanic crust
  1. 1. layer found at a depth of 2000km
  2. 3. layer of the earth that is liquid
  3. 4. process that moves the tectonic plates
  4. 5. boundary that separated the crust and rigid mantle
  5. 6. type of boundary where two plate separate
  6. 11. this type of crust is more dense and thin
  7. 12. location on a tectonic plate where mantle rock is continually rising from deep within earth
  8. 15. type of boundary where two plates slide past each other
  9. 16. the Arabian plate shares a convergent boundary with this tectonic plate