Earth's Layers and Drifting Continents

  1. 1. 5-80 km thick, top layer.
  2. 6. Spreading New crust is being added and older crust is being pushed outward
  3. 7. Core Solid metal, mostly iron & nickel, 1,200 km thick.
  4. 8. Ridge Sea-Floor Spreading begins here.
  5. 11. These land feature form at a Convergent Boundary.
  6. 12. Valley A deep valley is also called a.
  7. 13. Crust This crust lies beneath the ocean floor.
  8. 15. Drift The continents slowly move about 2 centimeters per year.
  9. 16. Sits on top of the mantle, 100 km thick.
  10. 17. Trench Under water canyons, sea-floor spreading ends here.
  11. 19. Core This is the 3rd layer from the top to the bottom.
  12. 20. 2nd layer of Earth from the top, very hot & solid.
  1. 2. Boundary The plates are sliding.
  2. 3. These create cracks in the crust.
  3. 4. Boundary The plates are dividing.
  4. 5. The name of the super continent that exited about 300 million years ago.
  5. 9. There are convection currents in this layer.
  6. 10. The ocean floor sinks back into the mantle.
  7. 14. Boundary The plates collide.
  8. 18. Tectonics Slow motion driven by the convection current makes.