Earth's Layers and Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. The outermost solid layer of Earth
  2. 3. Tugs plates along as the dense edge of a plate sinks beneath Earth's surface
  3. 6. Two plates collide
  4. 10. The process that explains the age and magnetic patterns of sea-floor rocks
  5. 13. Extends from below the mantle to the center of Earth, the densest layer and makes up 1/3 of Earth's mass.
  6. 15. Moves plates away from mid-ocean ridges as rock cools and becomes more dense
  7. 16. The strong, lower part of the mantle whose rock flows more slowly than the asthenosphere.
  8. 17. Convection What drags plates along as mantle material moves beneath tectonic plates
  1. 1. The lithosphere is divided up into these pieces
  2. 4. The liquid layer of Earth's core which lies beneath the mantle and surrounds the inner core.
  3. 5. Two plates move away from each other
  4. 6. The movement of matter that results from differences in density caused by variations in temperature.
  5. 7. Two plates move past each other horizontally
  6. 8. The layer of weak or soft mantle that is made of rock that flows slowly. Tectonic plates move on top of this layer.
  7. 9. The solid, dense center of our planet that extends from the bottom of the outer core to the center of Earth. Specifically, it is about 6,380 km beneath the surface.
  8. 11. The outermost, rigid layer of Earth that is made of the crust and the rigid, upper part of the mantle. It is divided into pieces called tectonic plates.
  9. 12. The large-scale movements of Earth's lithosphere which is made up of the crust and the rigid, upper part of mantle
  10. 14. Continents that joined in a single large landmass
  11. 16. Located between the Core and the crust. It is a region of hot, slow-flowing, solid rock.