Earth's Layers and Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. the first layer of the Earth
  2. 3. plastic layer within the mantle and comes after the lithosphere
  3. 5. plates that slide past each other and create faults
  4. 11. an enormous split in the Earth's crust that could potentially cause a rift valley
  5. 12. when plates separate they are
  6. 14. result of oceanic and contiental crust converging
  7. 15. when heat rises to the surface and sinks as it cools
  8. 16. crust that is based on the ocean
  1. 1. the person who contributed to the continental drift theory
  2. 2. plates that come together
  3. 4. when there is a rapid release of energy from plates separating, colliding, or sliding past each other along a plate boundary
  4. 6. evidence that states that the same types of fossils on continents that are now separated by vast oceans
  5. 7. this crust converges to make mountains
  6. 8. liquid that rises when plates diverge, think of the ocean
  7. 9. the most dense and hottest part of the Earth's Layers
  8. 10. evidence that states rocks that are made of similar substances and mountains are present on continents that are now far apart
  9. 11. the San Andreas Fault is located in
  10. 13. a result of transform boundaries