Earth's Layers, Plate Tectonics & Rocks

  1. 2. _______________ rock is formed from the cementing and compacting of sediments
  2. 3. layer of the Earth that is broken into tectonic plates
  3. 4. ____________ rock is formed from the hardening and cooling of magma/lava
  4. 7. denser plate sinks below less dense plate
  5. 9. ____________________ rock is formed from intense heat and pressure
  6. 11. tectonic plates that move away from each other
  7. 12. subduction zones create _________________
  8. 14. tectonic plates that slide past each other
  9. 17. Transform boundaries create ____________ lines
  1. 1. _______________ layer of Earth that moves because of plasticity
  2. 5. ________ core is made of solid iron and nickel
  3. 6. The breakdown of rock into sediments is called ________________
  4. 8. new _________, rift valleys & mid ocean ridges are created at divergent boundaries
  5. 10. tectonic plates that move towards each other
  6. 13. convection currents occur in the ______________
  7. 15. ________ core is made of liquid iron and nickel
  8. 16. a convergent boundary can create a _______________