earth's place in space

  1. 2. what white thing do we see in the night sky
  2. 6. what planet rains diamonds
  3. 7. what is it called when the moon crosses over the sun
  4. 9. what's planets gases make it turn blue
  5. 10. what planet is difficult to see
  6. 11. ship what do we go into space in
  7. 13. what do we use to see the sky with
  8. 15. what is the fifth planet from the sun
  9. 16. newton who discovered gravity
  10. 17. who went on the leaning tower of Pisa
  11. 19. what planet is a dwarf planet
  1. 1. what planet is the second from the sun
  2. 3. giants what are the planets outside our planets called
  3. 4. belt what belt keeps the planets together
  4. 5. what are big pieces of asteroids.
  5. 8. the planet with the great red spot
  6. 12. star what do we rarely see shooting across the night sky
  7. 14. what star is burning hot
  8. 18. what planet can only human life live on