Earth's Resources

  1. 3. All living things contain this element.
  2. 8. The type of nuclear reaction that takes place when atoms are split.
  3. 9. The machine that is used with wind energy.
  4. 11. Organic matter from plants and from animal waste that contains stored chemical energy.
  5. 13. Electrical energy produced by moving water.
  6. 16. This resource can be replaced fairly quickly in a relatively short amount of time.
  7. 18. This type of energy is available from outlets.
  8. 19. Energy received by Earth from the sun in the form of radiation.
  9. 20. This natural resource is used to make objects, food or drink.
  1. 1. This resource forms much more slowly than it is consumed.
  2. 2. Heat and ______________ change organisms into fossil fuels.
  3. 4. This nonrenewable resource formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.
  4. 5. This renewable resource uses the force of moving air to drive a generator.
  5. 6. This natural resource is used to generate energy.
  6. 7. Energy that is produced from heat from Earth's interior.
  7. 10. This is the gaseous fossil fuel that is mainly used for heating and cooking.
  8. 12. Fossil fuels are _____________ to release energy.
  9. 14. This is the solid fossil fuel that forms from swamp plants.
  10. 15. This is the liquid fossil fuel that can be processed to make gasoline.
  11. 17. This type of energy comes from the nucleus of an atom.