Earth's Resources

  1. 3. something that happens in a repeated or predictable way
  2. 6. an explanation of how and why evidence supports the claim
  3. 8. the act of extracting ores or coal from the earth
  4. 9. _____ sensing is technology that provides information about an object without directly obserting the object
  5. 12. Mr. Smith's hometown (hint: it's near San Diego and there's also a town with this name in Oregon)
  1. 1. _____ resources are materials found in nature that are used by living things
  2. 2. a natural resource that can be replaced at the same rate at which the resource is consumed
  3. 4. a natural resource that is not replaced in a useful time frame
  4. 5. _____ fuels such as coal, oil, natural gas, made from the remains of ancient plants and animals
  5. 7. what we use to support a claim (aka: facts)
  6. 10. the using up of a resource
  7. 11. a naturally occurring solid material that has specific chemical composition, crystal formation, and physical properties
  8. 13. a statement of fact used in science and other subjects