- 2. One of the things the sun provides Earth with (4 letters)
- 4. The shape of Earth's orbit around the sun
- 8. Another word for revolution
- 9. Which hemisphere is the United States in? (N or S)
- 11. Another word for rotation
- 12. How much of Earth experiences day at the same time?
- 13. The pattern of night and day is caused by this
- 14. The sun is this type of object.
- 16. What size star is the sun?
- 1. The number of years it takes the Earth to complete one revolution.
- 3. What direction does Earth rotate?
- 5. Another thing the sun provides Earth with (5 letters)
- 6. How many hours does it take the Earth to complete one rotation?
- 7. The sun is the _____ star to Earth.
- 10. The third planet away from the sun
- 15. Earth spins at a 23.5 degree angle on this imaginary line