Earth's Subsystem

  1. 3. Terms:
  2. 5. A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
  3. 6. The rigid outer part of the Earth, including the crust and upper mantle.
  4. 7. A component of the Earth system (atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere).
  5. 10. Factors: Nonliving physical and chemical factors in an ecosystem.
  6. 11. The solid part of the Earth.
  7. 12. The part of Earth where life exists.
  8. 13. The breaking down of rocks, soil, and minerals through physical or chemical processes.
  9. 14. Tectonics: The theory explaining the movement of large-scale plates on the Earth's surface.
  10. 19. System: The interconnected complex of physical, chemical, and biological processes operating on Earth.
  11. 20. The laying down of sediments, soil, and rocks transported by wind, water, ice, or gravity.
  12. 21. All water on, above, and below Earth's surface.
  1. 1. The process by which soil and rock are transported by wind, water, ice, or gravity.
  2. 2. Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
  3. 4. The study of the atmosphere and weather processes.
  4. 8. The partially molten layer below the lithosphere.
  5. 9. The study of the physical and biological aspects of the ocean.
  6. 15. The gaseous layer surrounding the Earth.
  7. 16. Factors: Living organisms in an ecosystem.
  8. 17. The long-term weather patterns in a particular area.
  9. 18. The study of the Earth's physical structure and substance.