Earth's Water and Water Cycle Vocabulary

  1. 3. - a result of condensed water vapor
  2. 5. - water that contains no salt; usable
  3. 7. - a large flowing water source that eventually leads to a body of water
  4. 8. - the process in which water turns in to vapor
  5. 11. - water beneath Earth's surface
  6. 14. - the largest mass of water on Earth, there are 5 of them
  7. 16. - the process that water evaporates out of Earth's plants
  8. 18. - the quality of being saline
  9. 19. - a large body of water surrounded by land
  10. 20. - a form of liquid that falls from the sky
  11. 21. - a slow moving river that has become a mass of ice
  1. 1. - conditions that comprise the state of the atmosphere
  2. 2. - the science that involves the water cycle and Earth's water
  3. 4. - the constructive force on Earth that deposits sediment
  4. 6. - water that cannot be used and is found in the 5 oceans
  5. 9. - liquid running down a mountain or landscape
  6. 10. - the make-up of an object or thing
  7. 12. - the process that water enters Earth's soil
  8. 13. - the layer of gases that surround Earth
  9. 15. - the process that water turns into clouds
  10. 17. - the continuous movement of water that never ends