East and South Asia Review (AP World History)

  1. 4. This Chinese Dynasty was known for technological innovation, economic prosperity, but a weak military
  2. 7. An indian belief system that believes suffering comes from desire
  3. 8. The hierarchy used in both Medieval Japan and Medieval Europe
  4. 12. This was the Japanese equivalent of a knight in their hierarchy
  5. 13. The hierarchy used in india that was based on Hinduism
  6. 14. A type of religion that adapts or changes to a new region/society
  7. 15. Native Chinese belief that emphasized harmony with nature and balance
  8. 16. A religion that believes in many gods
  1. 1. Native Chinese belief that emphasized logic, respect, and reasoning
  2. 2. A non-Native Chinese belief system that compared itself to Confucianism and Daoism
  3. 3. This Chinese invention helped sailors determine their direction
  4. 4. This is the person who ruled over Medieval Japan
  5. 5. This was a religion that combined parts of Hinduism and Islam
  6. 6. A polytheistic indian belief system that believed in reincarnation and karma
  7. 9. This type of currency replaced the gold and silver coins used in China
  8. 10. An islamic empire in north india
  9. 11. The Lord in Europe gave land to this person