East Asia

  1. 3. Country located west of the Korean Peninsula and Japan
  2. 5. A social system where land is exchanged for protection and labor services
  3. 8. Country southeast of China
  4. 9. Korean pottery inspired by porcelain
  5. 11. Warriors who controlled most of Asia, led by the Khan family
  6. 13. the long double edged sword that all samurai warriors used
  7. 15. Traditional Japanese religion before Buddhism
  8. 16. Likes to chase mice
  9. 19. Explosive powder originally used in Chinese fireworks
  10. 20. Has a trunk
  1. 1. samurai military leader, had more power than a Japanese emperor
  2. 2. Flying mammal
  3. 4. Country located east of the Korean Peninsula
  4. 6. Country north of China
  5. 7. Samurai rules of honor that all warriors had to follow
  6. 10. Man's best friend
  7. 12. Japanese prince who created the Taika Reforms and Seventeen Article Constitution
  8. 13. Large marsupial
  9. 14. A group of islands
  10. 17. Chinese towers that were later adopted by the Japanese
  11. 18. Khan ruler who was born Temujin, fierceless leader of the Mongol Empire