East Asia in the Medieval Period

  1. 2. the warrior lords (daimyo) of Japan who rise in power by maintaining private militias of samurai
  2. 4. both the Gupta and the Tang persecuted this faith as a "foreign import" in an era of revived nativism
  3. 7. this technology when applied to weaponry changes the battlefields of the world forever
  4. 8. the Mongols were an enormous force for _____ in the 13th century Medieval world of Asia and Europe
  5. 10. this government philosophy became dominant in Chinese court during the Tang as Buddhism waned
  6. 11. grandson of Genghis...conqueror of Song China
  7. 12. native religion of Japan prior to the arrival of Buddhism from China
  8. 13. the Japanese noble woman to write the first novel ever...Tale of Genji
  9. 14. Japan adopted much from Chinese culture during the reign of the Chinese _____ Dynasty
  10. 15. this Vietnamese sister dynamic-duo provided Vietnam with a nationalistic symbol of resistance to Chinese rule
  11. 16. Chinese paper money invented during the Tang and Song periods to ease trade
  12. 19. this Chinese Dynasty introduced foot binding, was militarily weak, and was conquered by the Mongols
  1. 1. 40,000 characters made this technology less effective in China in terms of mass literacy than it will be in Europe later
  2. 3. period of relative stability and economic vibrancy as Mongols ruled China and Middle Eastern centers
  3. 5. the process of adopting Chinese culture in Japan and other regions of Asia
  4. 6. known also as "Timujin" or "Chinggis"...universal ruler of the initial Mongol Empire
  5. 9. similar to Alexander the Great's empire, the Mongol world will splinter into _____, ruled individually by Mongol khans after the death of Genghis
  6. 17. Venetian merchant that visited the court of the Great Khan...similar to Ibn Battuta in his travels
  7. 18. the Mongols establish the _____ Dynasty after the decline of the Song