- 5. How does the Easter bunny stay fit
- 8. Month of Molly and Kahner's wedding
- 11. Flower often associated with Easter
- 13. Rabbits wear 14 _______ gold jewelry
- 14. Search for Easter eggs
- 15. Mary had a little one
- 17. Part of the chocolate bunny most people eat first
- 19. This bunny might be asked to fill in if the Easter bunny were to get sick
- 20. You would not want the Easter bunny to leave this in your house
- 1. When you tell an egg a joke it _______ up
- 2. what kind of beans will not grow in your garden
- 3. Alicia wants her last name to be
- 4. Forty days preceding Easter
- 6. Biblical name for where Jesus was crucified
- 7. used to color Easter eggs
- 9. Spring marks the vernal ________
- 10. The Easter bunny was upset because he was having a ____ hare day
- 12. ____ like an astronaut (need to watch Sesame Street to get this one)
- 16. Prisoner released instead of Jesus
- 18. The Easter bunny dries itself with a ____ dryer