  1. 1. Sunday before Easter is called ______ Sunday
  2. 3. The Easter bunny was upset because he was having a _____ hare day
  3. 4. If you are embarrassed you might have ____ on your face
  4. 7. When you tell an egg a joke it ________ up
  5. 8. Used to color Easter eggs
  6. 11. What rabbits say before they eat; _______ pray
  7. 12. Spring marks the vernal _________
  8. 13. The Easter bunny dries itself with a _____ dryer
  9. 14. You know a rabbit is in a good mood when he is _____
  10. 16. Flower often associated with Easter
  11. 17. Search for Easter eggs
  1. 1. Marshmallow candy that looks like baby chicks
  2. 2. Prisoner released instead of Jesus
  3. 5. Biblical name for where Jesus was crucified
  4. 6. Forty days preceding Easter
  5. 7. The rabbits went on strike because they wanted better _______
  6. 8. Female rabbit
  7. 9. _______ flowers bring May flowers
  8. 10. What kind of beans will not grow in your garden
  9. 15. Possibly Piper's brother's name