
  1. 2. Who do people celebrate Easter with family and _____.
  2. 5. What do people do to celebrate Easter?
  3. 9. When did Jesus remain in the tomb.
  4. 10. Easter is celebrated by Christians all over the _____.
  5. 11. When did Jesus get nailed to the cross.
  6. 12. What do people eat to celebrate Easter?
  7. 16. Who came back from the dead?
  8. 17. When did Jesus rise from the dead.
  1. 1. We celebrate Easter to remember when Jesus came back to ____.
  2. 3. Where do people celebrate Easter?
  3. 4. It's a festival celebrated by _________.
  4. 6. Why do people go to the church? To get ___________.
  5. 7. When did Jesus have is last meal.
  6. 8. What is the 2 most important holidays/celebrations?
  7. 10. What did Jesus use to represent his blood?
  8. 13. What do people give to each other on Easter.
  9. 14. Where do people roll eggs?
  10. 15. What did Jesus use to represent his body.