
  1. 2. color something
  2. 4. you put youre egg in that
  3. 5. jezus hung on the.....
  4. 7. the month of easter
  5. 9. breakfast on easter
  6. 14. a bunny that brings eggs
  7. 16. season with easter
  8. 17. baby sheeps
  9. 18. many colors
  10. 19. they swim and have a beak
  11. 20. you also do it on your birthday
  1. 1. they smell nice
  2. 3. eggs of chocolate
  3. 4. people that believe in god read it
  4. 6. bread what you eat with easter
  5. 8. very young animals
  6. 10. if you look for eggs
  7. 11. a late breakfasr
  8. 12. baby chickens
  9. 13. food from a chicken
  10. 15. a friday with easter