
  1. 3. Children love __ eggs and bunnies during Easter.
  2. 5. One of the Easter egg games is the Easter Egg __.
  3. 6. Many people __ Easter.
  4. 9. Children like the Easter __ and his baskets of goodies.
  5. 10. In __ nature wakes from her long winter sleep.
  1. 1. Christmas and __ are Christian festivals.
  2. 2. A container that contains the foods traditionally forbidden to consume during Lent (meat, eggs, and dairy products) is called an Easter __.
  3. 4. A baby chicken is called a __.
  4. 5. Imbolc, Eid Al Fitr, Halloween, Easter, and Kwanza are __.
  5. 7. The Easter __ symbolizes new life emerging from a shell like Jesus emerged from the cave.
  6. 8. They go to __ on Sundays.