  1. 2. Easter Island is part of this country
  2. 4. famous for creating decorative eggs
  3. 5. how Judas identified Jesus to the soldiers
  4. 6. the date of Easter changes each year due to the cycle of this
  5. 7. the natural phenomenon which occurred when Jesus died
  6. 10. the word Easter comes from the name of an Anglo Saxon one
  7. 11. the first Easter eggs were dyed this colour
  8. 12. eggs symbolise this
  9. 13. the number of hours darkness lasted when Jesus died
  10. 16. easter plant
  11. 17. this type of dance traditionally takes place at Easter
  12. 18. the meat traditionally eaten at Easter
  13. 19. on Palm Sunday Jesus said these would cry out if His disciples didn’t
  14. 20. this country started the tradition of the Easter bunny
  15. 21. the prisoner released instead of Jesus
  1. 1. a bread snack associated with Easter
  2. 3. the Jewish festival celebrated the week Jesus was crucified
  3. 6. the first person to see the risen Christ.
  4. 8. who owned the tomb where Jesus was buried
  5. 9. complete the verse: “Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in ......” (Luke 23:43)
  6. 13. number of marzipan balls typically on a simnel cake
  7. 14. the number of pieces of silver Judas betrayed Jesus for
  8. 15. complete the verse: Father ..... them, they know not what they do.