- 3. something that is inside of almost every egg
- 5. in easter you collect candy and have a good time, so easter is similar to __________
- 6. something you put the eggs that you collect in
- 8. Something you may find in a easter egg besides candy
- 10. what baby animal also represents easter?
- 14. the flower that represents easter
- 15. when everyones having a good time and with their family they are ______ (its a emotion)
- 18. when your hunting for eggs its called a _______
- 19. the animal that represents easter, eats this food
- 22. what word can you spell with the letters out of the word pilar? (its the month after easter)
- 23. Animal that represents easter
- 24. when your done collecting your eggs you _____ them
- 1. it is brown and sweet like a treat, but if held too long, its not very neat!
- 2. Instead of plastic eggs, people use this to color the eggs
- 4. easter in on the last day of the month, what number is the last day?
- 7. eat too much candy and you'll get ____
- 9. the candy is hidden in these objects
- 11. some people go here to celebrate the rising of Jesus on easter
- 12. you usually spend this holiday with these people, you spend every holiday with them
- 13. during easter the sun is out so its _____
- 16. what word can you spell with the letters in the word pilar?
- 17. what word can you make with the letters out of the word charm?
- 18. the name of the holiday
- 20. What day does easter fall on?
- 21. when you participate in easter you are _____ it