
  1. 1. Baby chicken
  2. 5. It's believed when people gorge on a chocolate Easter bunny, 76 per cent bite off this first
  3. 7. April showers bring May...
  4. 9. The tallest chocolate Easter egg ever was made in this country in 2011. At 10.39 metres in height and 7,200 kg in weight, it was taller than a giraffe and heavier than an elephant!
  5. 11. What do Christians celebrate on Easter?
  6. 12. Every year Easter is at this day
  7. 13. In the old days this was associated with Easter because the twists of the it were thought to resemble arms crossing in prayer.
  8. 15. Container for collecting eggs at Easter
  9. 17. A period of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter
  1. 2. Easter is celebrated at different times by Eastern and Western Christians because of the different...
  2. 3. There's a theory that the symbol of the rabbit stems from pagan tradition, and a bunny was a symbol of a goddess of...
  3. 4. The week before Easter
  4. 6. The symbol of the resurrection used in decoration of churches on Easter and for the rest of Eastertide
  5. 8. Thursday before Easter
  6. 10. The egg is an ancient symbol of it
  7. 12. Another name of Holy Saturday
  8. 14. Animal that brings treats and eats carrots
  9. 16. 15th-century mural painting by Italian artist showing the final meal Jesus shared with his Apostles before his crucifixion is called Last...