Easter Crossword

  1. 1. Pasen is the name for Easter in which language?
  2. 6. Mary ______ was the first to speak to Jesus after him rising from the dead
  3. 8. Roger Rabbits Spouce
  4. 9. Ash Wednesday to Maundu Thursday
  5. 10. Serge Gates (6,4)
  6. 14. Klinghammer's computus is a mechanism which determines the date of Easter in which calendar?
  7. 16. On the side of which hill was the garden of Gethsemane? (3,5,2,6)
  8. 19. The name Easter derives from 'Eostre' - a name shared by the Anglo-Saxon / pagan goddess of what?
  1. 2. Flaouna Easter Sunday food in what country
  2. 3. Piate protested _____ times
  3. 4. Ten weeks before Pascha
  4. 5. Teenage Witch born on Easter Sunday (7,4,4)
  5. 7. When on Easter Sunday was Jesus empty tomb discovered
  6. 11. What annual event links Holcome Hill near Ramsbottom, Avenham Park in Preston, Bunkers Hill in Derby, Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh and the White House?
  7. 12. Jesus Last Supper tipple
  8. 13. Which 2 disciples did Jesus send to prepare the room for the Last Supper? (5,3,4)
  9. 15. Maundy Thursday commemorates Jesus' journey to which city?
  10. 17. Austrian classical and opera music festival
  11. 18. Monday First public holiday of the year (6,6)