Easter Crossword

  1. 2. / What kind of bunny can't hop?
  2. 4. / What season is Easter in?
  3. 5. / What is the Easter bunny's favorite restaurant?
  4. 7. / What do you call a rabbit with fleas?
  5. 8. / What does the Easter bunny hide?
  6. 10. / What's another word for bunny?
  7. 11. / What is the Easter bunny's favorite music?
  1. 1. / What kind of beans grow in the Easter Bunny's garden?
  2. 3. / What month is Easter normally in?
  3. 4. / What day is Easter on?
  4. 6. / What is the Easter bunny's favorite game?
  5. 7. / In what does the Easter bunny leave his gifts?
  6. 9. / What is the marshmallow treat at Easter time?
  7. 12. / What do people eat on Easter?